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- All Members | Clean Energy NH
- Clean Energy NH
New Hampshire’s leading clean energy advocate. We're dedicated to supporting policies and programs that strengthen our state’s economy, protect public health, and conserve natural resources. LEADING THE CHARGE FOR A CLEAN ENERGY FUTURE IN NEW HAMPSHIRE Educating concerned residents, organizations, and community leaders. Advocating for New Hampshire's clean energy transition. DRIVING A CLEAN ENERGY FUTURE Working toward a clean energy future here in New Hampshire is a big responsibility, and far too large for one person or organization to tackle alone. So we've built a coalition of clean energy champions, made up of local communities and residents, elected officials and leaders, and organizations committed to a more sustainable future, who are on the front line building a cleaner, greener future right here in the Granite State. BUILDING ENERGY POLICY CONSENSUS To make the successful transition to clean energy, we need structural solutions. The best way to do that is to work with our local elected officials, because they have the power to make New Hampshire a leader in responsibly developed clean energy policy. And as a watchdog at the state agency that regulates essential utility services, the legislature, and around the state, Clean Energy NH has been critical in creating and defending the state's foundational policies that encourage developing an educated workforce, renewable energy, and energy efficiency. BECOME PART OF NEW HAMPSHIRE'S LEADING CLEAN ENERGY COALITION "Energy is a complicated issue. Clean Energy NH is doing an amazing job trying to educate everybody - from legislators in Concord to municipalities, homeowners associations, and our cities and towns. And I think the only way that this is going to be successful is if we're all working on this as a group, as a team, and working on it together. Clean Energy NH pulls everybody together and really does look at this as a system. I'm proud to support Clean Energy NH." - Steve Walker, Evari EV CHARGING INFRASTRUCTURE TECHNICAL REPORT & SUMMARY Discover the benefits of electric vehicles (EVs) in New Hampshire with this technical report and summary, featuring insights on EV adoption, charging infrastructure, and how EVs contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable future. TECHNICAL REPORT REPORT SUMMARY WILL YOU HELP US MAKE THE CLEAN ENERGY TRANSITION? SUBSCRIBE TO OUR MONTHLY NEWSLETTER Never miss the latest news, action alerts, recommended reading, events, and more. SUBSCRIBE JOIN US AT AN UPCOMING EVENT 2025 Legislative Crossover Apr 04, 2025, 1:00 AM – 2:00 PM via Zoom Register Solar: Start to Finish Apr 16, 2025, 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM The Hotel Concord, 11 S Main St, Concord, NH 03301, USA Register BECOME A MEMBER Show your support by becoming a member and joining us in the fight to build a cleaner, greener Granite State! JOIN OUR COALITION EXPLORE CLEAN ENERGY INSIGHTS & UPDATES Major Milestone for Plymouth: Town Flips the Switch on Solar Power Written by Grace Garvey, Former Chair of the Plymouth Energy Commission As of December 19th, 2024, the Quincy Road PV solar array is... Clean Energy NH Mar 3 3 min read A Historic First: Hinsdale’s Journey to Solar Power and Energy Savings When Josh Green took a six-week grant writing class in Keene, he had no idea it would lead to a historic moment for the Town of Hinsdale... Clean Energy NH Feb 27 3 min read First Solar Array Owned and Operated in State by Utility was a Team Effort Written by Alec O'Meara, Director of External Affairs at Unitil It had rained the night before, making the 36-acre lot tucked at the end... Clean Energy NH Oct 1, 2024 4 min read CLEAN ENERGY BUSINESS LEADERS Clean Energy Leader business members are industry leaders committed to transforming New Hampshire's energy future. WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBERS!
- Circuit Riders Program | Clean Energy NH
ENERGY CIRCUIT RIDER PROGRAM Photo by Cheryl Senter, courtesy of the NH Charitable Foundation ABOUT OUR ENERGY CIRCUIT RIDERS The Energy Circuit Rider (ECR) Program was created and piloted in Coös County beginning in 2019. From 2019 to 2022, the North Country Circuit Rider helped more than a dozen communities complete over 30 energy efficiency and clean energy projects. The Circuit Rider Program has helped North Country communities receive more than $1.2 million in incentives and grants, resulting in over $3 million dollars invested in clean energy projects. In 2022, CENH partnered with the Monadnock Sustainability Hub and others to add a Monadnock Energy Circuit Rider. Since then, the program has expanded to cover Rockingham, Strafford, and Sullivan counties as well. The Energy Circuit Rider program also supports small businesses, including farms. In early 2022, a new kind of Energy Circuit Rider was added, specifically to provide similar technical assistance to small businesses in the North Country. In 2024, CENH received a three-year USDA grant to expand that program statewide, specifically to assist small businesses (including farms) in applying for USDA’s Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) . An Energy Circuit Rider is a shared staff person providing services to multiple cities and towns across a region. The CENH Energy Circuit Riders help municipalities and small businesses plan, finance, and implement energy-saving upgrades to buildings and infrastructure, as well as clean energy technologies such as renewable energy or electric vehicle charging infrastructure. Working side-by-side with municipal officials and business owners, Energy Circuit Riders provide capacity and expertise to support informed decision making. Read more information about the pro gram here. To learn more about the CENH Energy Circuit Rider Program, please contact Clean Energy NH’s Circuit Rider Program Director, Sarah Brock, at . ENERGY CIRCUIT RIDER TEAM SARAH BROCK Energy Circuit Rider Program Director MELISSA ELANDER Energy Circuit Rider (North Country) KATRIN KASPER Energy Circuit Rider (Seacoast Region) DOUG COGAN Energy Circuit Rider (Sullivan County) FRANK RICHTER Energy Circuit Rider (Monadnock Region) GABE CHELIUS Small Business Energy Circuit Rider KATHARINE CUSACK Small Business Energy Circuit Rider "THAT PROGRAM HAS BEEN A GODSEND FOR THE WHOLE NORTH COUNTRY" -Rob Larson, Whitefield Public Works Director
Events (123)
- April 4, 2025 | 5:00 AM
- April 16, 2025 | 8:30 PM11 S Main St, Concord, NH 03301, USA
- April 16, 2025 | 8:30 PM11 S Main St, Concord, NH 03301, USA
Blog Posts (65)
- Community-Driven Progress Powers Energy Savings in Randolph
In the town of Randolph, a big idea began with a request. Yvonne Jenkins, a dedicated Randolph resident and Town Librarian, approached the selectboard with a vision: installing solar panels on the local library . The selectboard encouraged her to look into how it could be implemented, setting off a remarkable journey that would lead to significant energy savings. (photo credit: Randolph Public Library) The Power of Community Support Yvonne wasn’t alone in her pursuit. Fellow resident Rick Umiker shared her enthusiasm for solar energy. With determination and a little help from Clean Energy NH’s Energy Circuit Rider Melissa Elander , who provided examples and technical support, they drafted a warrant article to create and fund a Energy Efficiency Capital Reserve Fund — all within a single day. The fund was created “for the purpose of covering costs or to seek matching grants related to increasing energy efficiency”. They quickly gathered signatures from neighbors, earning their spot in the town report. When the day of the vote arrived, the response was unanimous: The town would move forward on solar and energy efficiency. "The CRF was a game changer," Rick explained. "Having a designated fund meant we could plan for the long-term, ensuring that our energy projects had financial backing. It also showed the town’s commitment to reducing energy costs and embracing sustainability." The CRF was approved with strong community support, giving the selectboard confidence to approve further projects. It also allowed the town to leverage additional funding and rebates, amplifying their impact. That pivotal vote wasn’t just a win for clean energy projects in Randolph: it also sparked a wave of community involvement. Resident Howie Wemyss and two other residents eagerly joined Yvonne and Rick’s efforts to establish the Randolph Energy Committee. One major milestone was the establishment of a Capital Reserve Fund (CRF) through a petitioned warrant article. The CRF would serve as a dedicated financial resource to support energy efficiency and renewable energy projects within the town, controlled by the town rather than an outside funding source. The Committee wrote a detailed description of the benefits of the CRF for the official town report, and connected with residents that already utilized solar within their households to garner support for establishing the fund. “We were learning on the go, but during the first town meeting we saw so many people who were receptive to the idea,” Yvonne said. “It was really heartening to see.” Lessons in Efficiency Before diving into the solar project, the Energy Committee prioritized making town buildings as energy-efficient as possible. A lighting audit for the library and town hall revealed opportunities for significant savings. The results were undeniable: within the first year, the town saved 40% on its energy bill without dipping into reserves. The success of the lighting project built trust and further momentum for the solar initiative. Solar Installation (photo taken by Edith Tucker) The Energy Committee continued to learn more as they explored additional energy efficiency projects including energy audits, weatherization upgrades, and the installation of heat pumps. "Find the right people, like Clean Energy NH or a knowledgeable energy auditor. Don’t feel like you have to be an expert in energy — just plan to work with the right people," Yvonne advised. Keeping the Selectboard Informed The Energy Committee recognized that clear communication with the selectboard was essential to moving these projects forward. They sent meeting minutes, extended invitations, and sought approvals at every key decision point. Demonstrating the financial benefits was particularly effective, and the immediate savings from interior lighting and street lighting upgrades reinforced the value of these projects for the town. Facing Challenges and Adapting Not every step was easy. An application to the Northern Border Regional Commission grant program was unsuccessful, and progress sometimes felt frustratingly slow. Yet, the team stayed the course, and used it as a learning experience. They regrouped, identified other funding opportunities, and doubled down on community engagement. Their commitment paid off. A separate insulation project for the library, completed with town funding, a library grant, and rebates from Eversource was a major win for the Committee. As Rick reflected, "I thought we’d have solar panels in six months. But keeping our eyes on the prize, even when it felt distant, was worth it. Gaining the support of the community and selectboard made all the difference." Celebrating Success When the solar panels were finally installed, the town of Randolph didn’t just check it off the list: they celebrated. Residents gathered for a ribbon-cutting ceremony, and the local newspaper captured the moment. Celebrating the Solar Installment (photo taken by Yvonne Jenkins) The excitement over the possibilities for clean energy projects didn’t stop at Randolph’s town line. Neighboring towns, inspired by the success, began exploring their own clean energy projects. Calls poured in asking how they could replicate Randolph’s approach. The project’s success sparked conversations and action well beyond the town’s borders. Words of Wisdom The Randolph Energy Committee members offer simple but powerful advice for other communities: Document Your Results: Track your savings and milestones to demonstrate impact. Be Flexible: Plans will shift: make the most of unexpected opportunities that arise. Stay Consistent: Even during slow months, keep the committee meetings on the books. New ideas often emerge in conversation, and regular meetings help advance progress! Celebrate Every Win: Publicly acknowledge progress, big or small. Recognition fuels momentum.
- Major Milestone for Plymouth: Town Flips the Switch on Solar Power
Written by Grace Garvey, Former Chair of the Plymouth Energy Commission As of December 19th, 2024, the Quincy Road PV solar array is online and producing clean energy! For those of you who do not know the history, the initial idea of this type of local power plant was incubated by the Plymouth Energy Commission (PEC) a decade or so ago. After Covid and some inactivity, the PEC revisited this idea and decided to either permanently park the conversation or move it forward. Move it forward the PEC did! After a lot of research and back and forth presentations to the Selectboard, the PEC wrote a 2022 warrant which passed and gave the PEC a green light to research options and funding for a municipal solar array project. The PEC wrote another warrant for the 2023 Town Meeting focused on funding and construction of the solar array. This 2023 warrant passed by over 90% of the votes. The town then signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Barrington Power (BP). The PEC worked with BP to nail down the location on Quincy Road and to plan an array large enough to generate power to offset 70% of municipal building electricity usage requirements. The Quincy Road site is ideal because it was already owned by the town, has excellent southern exposure and consists of an open field which required minimal site work before construction. Modeling shows a 1st year revenue of $22,000 and over $1,000,000 revenue during the 35-year anticipated life of the solar PV array. This is a net revenue, above and beyond loan payments and any costs related to insurance, operation, and maintenance. The Municipality of Plymouth is eligible for a 30% elective pay credit through the Inflation Reduction Act and possibly an additional 10% because Plymouth qualifies for a low-income bonus credit. The Town will also receive a $10,000 rebate from the Public Utilities Commission. Aerial Image of the Array On December 16, 2024, the town celebrated with warm beverages and snacks in the airport building. The celebration ended with a ribbon cutting and a tour of the array. Representatives from the offices of Senator Maggie Hassan and US Representative Ann McLane Kuster attended, along with Executive Councilor Karen Liot Hill, NH State Representatives Peter Lovett and Janet Lucas, town employees, past and current members of the PEC, and many members of the public. Summary of Benefits to the Town: Dependable financial gain for the town of Plymouth Renewable energy investment Decreased carbon footprint Federal support through Inflation Reduction Act Optimum utilization of town-owned land Alignment with the town’s ecotourism vision Alignment with Town declaration of a “Climate Emergency” Alignment with two sections of Plymouth’s Master Plan Thanks to many – to name just a few supporters: *Highway Department for plowing out the airport parking array for the December 16, 2024 ribbon cutting celebration *Colin McIver, Airport Manager for hosting us *Carol Niewola & Colin McIver who helped navigate the FAA clearance to construct across from the airport *Scott Weden Town Manager & Anne Abear Town Finance Director who tirelessly helped to see this project over the finish line *Ted Vansant and Jack Bingham from Barrington Power who helped work through all the details and GCed the build *All past and present Selectboard members, particularly Bill Bolton who was our rock star and our SB liaison *The Town Voters * New Hampshire Electric Cooperative who was open to the town connecting a PV array with a design that did not fit into a neat box * Clean Energy NH * Community Development Finance Authority , particularly Scott Maslansky *Those who negotiated the Build Back Better Act through which we will get elective pay funds to help pay for the project
- A Historic First: Hinsdale’s Journey to Solar Power and Energy Savings
When Josh Green took a six-week grant writing class in Keene, he had no idea it would lead to a historic moment for the Town of Hinsdale . Less than a year later, Hinsdale secured $200,000 for its first-ever solar project, bringing long-term energy savings and sustainability to the community. As Josh stepped into his role as Community Development Coordinator, he knew Hinsdale had untapped potential but understood that making a meaningful impact would require access to the right resources. In late 2023, he and newly appointed Town Administrator, Kathryn Lynch, enrolled in a six-week grant writing course. Having to choose a grant to focus on writing during the course, Josh sought to use his new skills to apply for the NH Department of Energy (NH DOE)’s Municipal Solar Grant . His project centered on proposing the implementation of a PV (photovoltaic) solar array at the Hinsdale transfer station. Proposed placement of the Hinsdale solar array “I was fortunate because the request for proposals (RFP) for Municipal Solar kept getting delayed, which allowed me ample time to prepare a strong grant application,” he states. “The classes taught by Suzanne Bansley in Keene were excellent, and I highly recommend them.” Josh is driven by a deep commitment to strengthening his community and paving the way for a more sustainable future. He explains how his interest in energy efficient projects that benefit the town, along with key support from others, helped bring the project to life: “As a Community Development Coordinator, my passion is to make Hinsdale as energy-efficient as possible. In my view, the town lacks a future vision for infrastructure. I received invaluable assistance from Clean Energy NH circuit riders John Kondos and Frank Richter. John initially helped me select a suitable location for the solar project, and after his retirement, Frank took over. I could not have completed the grant application without their support, and I am extremely grateful for all their hard work.” Their efforts paid off. After submitting their proposal in early August 2024, Hinsdale was awarded $200,000 by the NH DOE through the grant program on September 17, 2024. “When we received notification of the award, I was in disbelief—I was so excited! This is a historic moment for the Town of Hinsdale, as we will be receiving solar arrays for the first time.” The arrays are projected to save approximately $20,000 to $25,000 annually in electricity costs over the next 25 to 30 years. This is a significant benefit for a small town of 4,000 residents. The impact will help Hinsdale become less reliant on the grid, resulting in lower energy bills and enhanced energy security—ensuring a stable and sustainable power source for residents. Solar energy is a renewable resource that does not emit any of the pollutants that traditional energy sources do, leading to cleaner air and water and improved public health. The solar grant didn’t just bring funding, it also sparked teamwork across departments. Implementing cross-department collaboration, with the Highway Department and Transfer Station, for example, helped provide a different perspective and set of expertise that determined the best siting opportunities and rollout for the project’s implementation. Josh also cited the benefits of working with reliable solar companies such as Barrington Power , to help guide the town towards the best options for their proposal. The momentum for other projects has already started. Conversations about solar and energy efficiency are spreading, from solar arrays on the sewer plant’s roof to implementing energy efficient lighting at the local school. Even the town hall is undergoing an energy efficiency audit with NHSaves . “There’s so much opportunity to improve on the existing structures we have,” Josh states. The town is currently waiting, along with all other New Hampshire communities awarded Municipal Solar Grant money, for the grant to be administered through the NH DOE. When the time comes, the town will be ready to continue the momentum. “The town’s current administration has a passion to move this town forward,” says Josh. “The future vision hasn’t been here for many years, and projects like this spark possibilities for that future into life. We’re ready to continue moving forwards.”
Services (2)
- Small Business Membership
Small Business Membership Benefits: Exclusive use of organizational resources Internal expertise on the NH industry & navigating policies & regulations Expert advocacy & policy support, including representation at the State House & state agencies (PUC, etc) Unsurpassed networking opportunities throughout the year Access to our members-only list for exclusive event invitations & discounts throughout NH & New England Exposure through our website, newsletter, & social media platforms & PR support Direct engagement with policymakers Exhibitor discount at the LES Conference Invitation to the members-only annual Holiday Dinner Listing as a valued member in our annual reports Opportunity to join our elite Speaker’s Bureau Opportunity to participate in our “Member Spotlight” program One (1) free registration for designated employee to the LES Conference Certificate to display the company’s commitment to clean energy Access to CENH”S weekly policy calls during the legislative session for two (2) emloyees Ability to post job openings on our website’s career platform