Written by Grace Garvey, Former Chair of the Plymouth Energy Commission
As of December 19th, 2024, the Quincy Road PV solar array is online and producing clean energy!
For those of you who do not know the history, the initial idea of this type of local power plant was incubated by the Plymouth Energy Commission (PEC) a decade or so ago. After Covid and some inactivity, the PEC revisited this idea and decided to either permanently park the conversation or move it forward. Move it forward the PEC did!
After a lot of research and back and forth presentations to the Selectboard, the PEC wrote a 2022 warrant which passed and gave the PEC a green light to research options and funding for a municipal solar array project. The PEC wrote another warrant for the 2023 Town Meeting focused on funding and construction of the solar array. This 2023 warrant passed by over 90% of the votes.
The town then signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Barrington Power (BP). The PEC worked with BP to nail down the location on Quincy Road and to plan an array large enough to generate power to offset 70% of municipal building electricity usage requirements.

The Quincy Road site is ideal because it was already owned by the town, has excellent southern exposure and consists of an open field which required minimal site work before construction.
Modeling shows a 1st year revenue of $22,000 and over $1,000,000 revenue during the 35-year anticipated life of the solar PV array. This is a net revenue, above and beyond loan payments and any costs related to insurance, operation, and maintenance.
The Municipality of Plymouth is eligible for a 30% elective pay credit through the Inflation Reduction Act and possibly an additional 10% because Plymouth qualifies for a low-income bonus credit. The Town will also receive a $10,000 rebate from the Public Utilities Commission.

On December 16, 2024, the town celebrated with warm beverages and snacks in the airport building. The celebration ended with a ribbon cutting and a tour of the array. Representatives from the offices of Senator Maggie Hassan and US Representative Ann McLane Kuster attended, along with Executive Councilor Karen Liot Hill, NH State Representatives Peter Lovett and Janet Lucas, town employees, past and current members of the PEC, and many members of the public.
Summary of Benefits to the Town:
Dependable financial gain for the town of Plymouth
Renewable energy investment
Decreased carbon footprint
Federal support through Inflation Reduction Act
Optimum utilization of town-owned land
Alignment with the town’s ecotourism vision
Alignment with Town declaration of a “Climate Emergency”
Alignment with two sections of Plymouth’s Master Plan
Thanks to many – to name just a few supporters:
*Highway Department for plowing out the airport parking array for the December 16, 2024 ribbon cutting celebration
*Colin McIver, Airport Manager for hosting us
*Carol Niewola & Colin McIver who helped navigate the FAA clearance to construct across from the airport
*Scott Weden Town Manager & Anne Abear Town Finance Director who tirelessly helped to see this project over the finish line
*Ted Vansant and Jack Bingham from Barrington Power who helped work through all the details and GCed the build
*All past and present Selectboard members, particularly Bill Bolton who was our rock star and our SB liaison
*The Town Voters
*New Hampshire Electric Cooperative who was open to the town connecting a PV array with a design that did not fit into a neat box
*Community Development Finance Authority, particularly Scott Maslansky
*Those who negotiated the Build Back Better Act through which we will get elective pay funds to help pay for the project